10 Health Tips Mom or Grandma Didn’t Teach You

10 Health Tips Your Mom or Grandma Didn’t Teach You

Recent research has shone a light on natural health tips, far beyond what Mom or Grandma taught us. As kids, many of us learned the basics of healthy living from our Mothers or Grandmothers—advice that may have included eating your vegetables, getting plenty of rest, and possibly avoiding too much sugar. And these are great…

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Is this pesky bacteria harming your health?

h. pylori

Did you know that a common bacteria could be silently wreaking havoc on your health? Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori, is a bacteria that most people unknowingly carry. It typically resides harmlessly in the gut. However, when it overgrows, it can lead to serious health issues like ulcers, malnutrition, and even cancer. New research indicates…

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4 Causes of Fatigue, Anxiety, and Overwhelm

woman feeling fatigue, stress, overwhelm

Fatigue, anxiety, and overwhelm. Can you relate? Today, we’re exploring a topic that you may find all too familiar. These are among the top symptoms my clients come to me with (other common symptoms are gut-related—which can also be tied to fatigue, anxiety, and overwhelm.). And yet they are often dismissed as a “normal” part…

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What is Leaky Gut? Do You Have It & How To Fix It

leaky gut

Leaky Gut Syndrome has been in the media a lot recently. Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with it, or know someone who has? Or maybe you’ve never even heard of Leaky Gut. After reading this article, you will know what Leaky Gut is. And if you have any of the classic symptoms of Leaky Gut, what…

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6 Tips for a Healthy Immune System

6 tips for a healthy immune system

‘Tis the season—there is so much virus talk in the news again. But don’t buy into the hype. You do NOT have to be afraid of every virus that comes along. In fact, did you know that fear suppresses your immune system? So let’s take a look at some health hacks for a healthy immune…

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Are You Gluten Sensitive and Don’t Know It?

are you gluten sensitive and don't know it, woman in pain image

Could you be gluten-sensitive or Celiac and not know it? Have you noticed that gluten-free foods and menus are everywhere these days? As someone who was diagnosed with Celiac Disease myself, I am very grateful for that. But I also hear a lot of people comment “Gluten-Free is just a fad”, or “going gluten-free is…

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